Mexico & a little bit of Romania:)))

 Made for a wedding party where the groom was Mexican and the bride Romanian.
Made after a cake seen on Cake central. The cactus, the desert, the Mexican with his sombrero and the chilly were all very Mexican:) but we had to incorporate the Romanian side as well. 
So Gloria said: add a bottle of "tuica", i.e. Romania's drink. 
So there you have our drunken with "tuica" Mexican:)

 The bottle that made us and Mexico "ONE" :))

 MEXICOOOO, baby:))

And the whole cake again. It was very large and this is the closest I could get with the camera and still have all the elements in the picture.
The board was 1.20m x 0.70m. huuuuge...

And my pride, the cactus:) 
It was 70 cm tall!!!!!  and it was made out of RKT(rice krispy treats), the same thing you see on Cake boss. 
It was my first time working with RKT and I loooove it!!! Sooo light, so easy to work with. I will continue to use it.
The needles were spaghetti:)) Perfect!

And this is how it came into being:
 Solid support structure, screwed to the board. I am telling you again. watching TV can be a learning experience. I have seen all this on cake boss, and here I am today doing it in my home, with the priceless help of my husband, of course.
 you keep adding the RKT on the structure

finished cactus, ready to be covered in fondant and decorated.



    Giovanna!!! Te-ai depasit! E o minunatie de tort! Sincer, sunt incantata de ceea ce ai realizat! Felicitarile nu sunt suficiente!
    Te pup!

  2. oau ce super e!!!! Superb draga mea...cactusul mortal!!!! Sunt bune ideile si de la tine

  3. Bravo! ceva super nou si executat minunat!!

  4. Muy graciosas las fotos.
    Un saludo

  5. Alaaaaa!!
    Esta es la tarta más original que has hecho nunca.
    Te quedó perfecta, preciosa.
    Siempre te superas en tu trabajo.

    Te felicito una vez más.

  6. :) De nota 100, ca de fiecare data! :D

  7. Super tare! Doamneee, ce idei grozave poti sa ai! Esti o sursa nesecata de inspiratie!Felicitari, draga mea! Inca un tort care urca pe primul loc in TOP!

  8. Wooooow!
    Bine te-am gasit Cake Boss Giovanna!!!

  9. Foarte frumos !Tortul se vede foarte mare in poza!Cred ca ti-a dat ceva batai de cap!Si de unde ai luat orezul expandat?Ca la noi aici la Dej nu prea am vazut.Pupici!

  10. @ Nico - da a fost f mare. panoul pe acre era pus era de 1.20 m x 70 cm si inaltimea cactusului tot de 70 cm. deci ff mare pt mine. orez expandat am luat de la kaufland. pupici si tie

    @ ana - :))) saru'mana

    @ Nina's art cake - multumesc mult. esti o dragutza.

    @ zuzele - multzumeeeesc. pusi.

    @ isabel - gracias isabel. esso intento:)

    @ Trini altea - muchas gracias.

    @ cccris - multumesc mult.

    @ bianca - :) daaa.... e destul sa ma uit eu nu?:) te pusi.

    @ anca - multumeeeeeesc!!! ma bucur ca va place.

  11. ¡guauuuuuuuuuu! Está genial. Un beso.

  12. La tarta muy chula, aunque como mexicana que soy no me gusta esta imagen del hombre mexicano durmiendo!!!..con lo trabajadores que son!! algunos de sol a sol!! besos

  13. WOW! Profi! a csúcsok csúcsa!

  14. Este fenomenal tortul,deja te poti alatura celor de la Cake Boss!Felicitari!

  15. esti fe-no-me-na-la !!!! nimic nu ma mai mira, draga mea! pupici !

  16. Extraordinar ! De cand l-ai postat am inceput sa scriu mesajul cu felicitari de vreo trei ori, dupa care ma opream, pentru ca mi se parea ca nu reusesc sa redau in cuvinte admiratia mea ! Este foarte frumos! Sincere felicitari pentru maiestrie si pentru inspiratie !

  17. Mii de felicitari! E extraordinar!

  18. Un espectáculo esa tarta, sobre todo el cactus que te ha quedado auténtico.
    Besillos de los Mol

  19. Cat de tare!!! Am ramas fara cuvinte din nou :)))

  20. super si idei si tort,imi place ca esti deschisa la nou si in fiecare zi mai invatam ceva ce ne foloseste in aventura asta a noastra numita "tortareala"..Mii de felicitari...
