This wedding cake comes with a story and that story is:
I built this cake from two separate ones. The first 3 tiers covered in fondant and the forth tier decorated with chocolate swirls. Just before delivering it, I had to assemble it, i.e. put the forth tier on top of the others. Unfortunately when I picked up the chocolate cake absolutely all of my chocolate swirls fell down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not one of them was left standing on the cake!
You cannot imagine my cries and state of desperation, as I was expected to deliver this cake just 10 min from the incident.
Luckily not all of the swirls broke when falling on the table and with the help of my husband I was able to stick them right back on the cake and deliver it.
The work of three hours was completely gone in 2 seconds!!!! and I think only GOD made it possible for me to put them back on the cake in 20 min. I have no logical explanation for how we were able to achieve this in such a short time.
THANK YOU GOD for watching over me and helping me!
This is the reason why the swirls are not as dense as I would normally make this type of cakes. Some of them broke and I had to cover the entire cake with what was left.
This is why I do not like doing wedding cakes. Things could go wrong and I am not a bakery to be able to replace it on spot with a another one. But I guess I should deliver my cakes way before its serving, so if things go wrong you still have some time for remedies.
But all in all I think this was a great cake, I looove how it looked and I am happy I was able to make it. A classic design with my twist on the top and I love it!
Este superb tortul Felicitari!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteTi-am spus aici: cat de mult de admir!
ReplyDeleteGio,suuunt 20 de minute ma uit la torturi si salivez.Hihi!Mi-ar place atat de mult sa stiu si eu sa fac incercat dar nu mi-a iesit..Hmmm...As vrea sa vad si cum arata pe dinauntru...Cred ca suuuper..
ReplyDeleteSuperb!!!! Pana la urma bine ca s-a terminat cu...super bine!!! felicitari draga mea
ReplyDeleteUn tort absolut toate torturile tale.Iar patania este una din acelea care ne ofera raspunsuri la problemel viitoare.Asa ca priveste partea buna a lucrurilor....tortul este superb,dincolo de toate emotiile.
ReplyDeletePrecioso ,menudo susto pero saliste que vale,,vale.
The cake looks beautiful, and we can't tell you had an incident. I like to have my cakes done and ready for delivery at least 5 hours before delivery/pick up time just in case something happen, but from experience sometimes is just hard to be on schedule.
ReplyDeleteGreat job with the cake and I am glad everything worked out in your favor.
Superbbbbb! Pupici!
ReplyDeleteSuper elegant si rafinat! Chiar daca ai avut probleme...acum au disparut si toti cei care iti viziteaza blogul nu vad decat aceasta MINUNATIE de tort!Mie personal imi plac la nebunie torturile mai ...simple. Mi se par cele mai elegante! Felicitari, Giovanna! Pupici!
ReplyDeleteFelicitari arata absolut superb, mai ales dupa chinul pe care l-ai indurat. In weekend am facut si eu primul tort de nunta pt niste prieteni apropiati, si am trecut aprope prin acelasi lucru ca si tine, cei de la restaurant l-au asamblat fara sa ma cheme si i-au distrus toata stabilitatea. Nu mai puteam de nervi, dupa ce ma chinuisem la el si abia asteptam sa-l vada lumea si-au batut aia joc.
ReplyDelete¡Es muy elegante!¡Preciosa!
ReplyDeleteArata superb,nimeni nu banuieste povestile din spatele acestor opere,nici munca,nici stresul ei vad produsul final care place....Noi ramanem cu amintirile unele placute,unele nu!!!Dar tortul tau in final arata super elegant si fin si cred ca a facut senzatie!!pupici..
ReplyDeleteFelicitari ca ai trecut cu bine peste incident! Felicitari ca ai facut un tort superb!
ReplyDelete@ eszter - multzu.
ReplyDelete@ cccris - multumesc mult de tot.
@ gabi d. - asa este. multumesc mult.
@ lacasita de azucar - gracias carino.
@ simona - oh wow! ce chestie. chiar sunt curioasa sa il vad.
@ nina's art cake - multumesc mult draga mea. si mie imi plac asa simple. sunt f elegante.
@ adela zilahi - multumeeesc. te pusi.
@ pink little cake - yes, you are right. but sometimes that is just not possible. the day of this cake I had 4 more other cakes to do so time was not my friend that day.
@ flora y jesus - graciaaaas.
@ ana - asa este ana. si multumesc lui D-zeu ca m-a ajutat. povestea am sus pt ca merita spusa. poate mai trag si altii pe langa mine invataminte din ea. desi sincera sa fiu, eu tot asa le fac la limita:))
@ bianca - multumesc mult.
@ sudessa- esti atat de tanara... ai mult timp sa invetzi tot ce iti doresti. nu renunta si vei reusi. asa a fost si al mine. primele incercari de pasta au fost un esec total. la inceput lucram cu fondant cumparat. apoi cu timpul am reusit.
@ zuzele - ti-am vazut postarea. ma simt magulita. iti multumesc mult pentru atentia ce mi-o acorzi. arecierile tale imi bucura sufletul de fiecare data, la fel ca apercierile tutoror de altfel. VA MULTUMESC FETELOR> VA PUP!
Esti maestra, asa ca indiferent ce probleme ai, intotdeauna produsul final este perfect, exact ca si in cazul de fata.
ReplyDeleteTortul este atat de elegant si delicat incat meriti felicitarile mele !
Heeei, nici nu ai zice ca acest tort a avut vreodata probleme. Arata perfect... Brrrr, nici nu vreau sa ma gandesc ce a fost in sufletul tau cand au cazut chestiile alea de ciocolata... Pana la urma, cineva acolo sus te iubeste :)
ReplyDeleteFelicitari, ai facut un tort de nota 10.
Parece mentira que se desmontara la parte de arriba, está intacto y precioso.
Guauuuu, que bonito y super elegante, te felicito
ReplyDeleteY bueno que aveces se pasan malos ratos pero como digo yo eso forma parte del aprendizaje.
@ carame-lu - tienes razon. asi se aprende. un beso y gracias.
ReplyDelete@ pulgas - gracias. nu fue facil esta vez:)))
@ angighita - multumesc mult. te pup.
@ sandina.sanda - le accept cu mare mandrie. iti multumesc mult. te pusi.
Este un tort faorte frumos si elegant.. este perfect asa...
ReplyDeleteEste superb tortul... cu toate ca ai avut probleme cu el.
ReplyDeletePe unde ai gasit bentita ciocolatie, sm tot cautat si eu si n-am gasit?