small hippo wedding cake

 Another hippo wedding cake, this time much smaller for 25 people only, just the family.
The groom is a chef at a local restaurant, hence the chef decorations. The bride is ... a BRIDE!!!! everything else seems meaningless compared to that:), so I gave her just the bride's vale. 
Actually the bride is an accountant, but to make a computer so small, seemed pointless, as I could not make the details that small, so none would have understood what that small thing was:).
close up of the happy hippo couple:)


  1. Sunt asa dragalasi si dulci dolofanii...:))

    Sigur ca ti-l pastrez umerasul,e 17 lei.
    Cand ai timp si poti sa ne intalnim,anunta-ma din timp,stii tu,cam depind de masina cu care merge sotul la servici...:)

  2. draguta palaria bucatarului si narile hipo ii fac simpatici foc

  3. vaaaaai, cat de cute!! sunt de vis hipopotamii astia! si eu as fi vrut asa un tort la nunta mea :D
    da' atunci nu stiam eu cum sta treaba cu torturile :)))
    bravo, Giovanna! ti-a iesit super!

  4. hihihihi....deageaba torturile haioase is cele mai tari...iti lumineaza ziua cu multe zambete:))

  5. Ok.Da,e bine joi,sotul a confirmat:)
    Dupa masa,dupa 4-5?La polus?Imi mai scrii in e-mail,ok?Pupici

  6. Ce draguti sunt hipo astia:)) Super reusiti.
