chocolate fan decorated cake

 I know I showed you so many of these chocolate fan cakes, but I think they are so very beautiful, I still feel like showing them to you.
On this cake I used 3.2 kg of chocolate to make the decorations only. It was quite big and it looked gorgeous. Please forgive my humbleness here :)
different angle, different light.
I think this one was - flash off.


  1. Ce super arata un tort dinasta!!!!
    Cred ca nu voi face niciodata asa ceva!!! Iti spun eu de ce:))

  2. incearca data viitoare sa combini mai mult cioco alba si neagra, sint curioasa sa vad cum arata si asa.

  3. Minunat arata,imi place fff mult.Eu nu m-as baga la asa ceva, n-as avea curaj.
