coffe mug cake

My friend and neighbor, Samira, took this cake as a gift to a friend's birthday party. She asked me to make a coffee cup. I like how it turned out. The writing was also as per her request. Wish I had a plane orange plate to put the cake on, would have looked a lot better. Next time I get a similar request I'll be sure to shop for the same color as the cup plate. It will make it look more real.


  1. Buenisimo, como siempre!!!

  2. Desde luego, desbordas imaginación.
    Pero si parece una verdadera taza, está genial y muy divertida.

    Un abrazo.

  3. Cada vez me dejas mas alucinada, me ha encantado la taza, peazo artista!!!!
    un besito pili
