Hello everyone.
I am back from my one month vacation in Valencia, Spain. It was wonderful. The sun, the beach, swimming pools,lovely places to see, great friends, BIG SALES!!!! and great food! so great that we all gained weight. My husband won the first prize, by gaining 5 kg in the one month that we were there. We should all now start dieting. I'll let you know how that goes, if it ever starts.:)
This is my comeback cake. A friend of mine took it to a bachelor-ette (no idea how to spell it) party. They had a lot of fun with it. I had fun making it:))
It is all hand modeled, no mold used, and all eatable, of course:)
This is my comeback cake. A friend of mine took it to a bachelor-ette (no idea how to spell it) party. They had a lot of fun with it. I had fun making it:))
It is all hand modeled, no mold used, and all eatable, of course:)
Hello la toata lumea.
am revenit si eu din vacanta, o luna in Valencia, Spania. A fost foarte bine si frumos. Soare mult, plaja, piscine, prieteni extraordinari, locuri minunate, REDUCERI ENORME!!! si mancare buuuuuuna!! Asa de buna ca ne-am ingrasat cu totii, sotul meu a luat locul intai cu 5 kg in plus intr-o singura luna cat am stat acolo. Sa vedem acum cum ne apucam si ne si tinem de regim.
Acesta este tortul cu care am revenit:)
O prietena l-a dus la o petrecere de burlacite. A cauzat multa distractie.
Este modelat manual, nu am folosit forme. totul este comestibil.
ce tare! sotul meu ti-o admirat busturile si pe asta nu stiu cum sa-l numesc sa nu ne puna astia bip! bip! ti-am scris si ieri da nu apare commentu cine stie ce so intamplat, ziceam ca daca eu numesc torturile mele un hoby,atunci la tine e o arta sti cum le spune la soldati cand incep armata si sunt inocenti sarmanii,le spune boboci sau pufuleti ,asa sunt eu in comparatie cu tine,am sa-ti trimit poze la torturile pe care ma sa le fac dupa ideile de pe tutorialul tau
ReplyDeletea tare de tot acest tort.........iti lasa gura apa(aha aha), te felicit
ReplyDeleteFoarte apetisant! Oare de unde a muscat prima data viitoarea mireasa? ;-))))