The party was a Hannah Montana themed party. So I hired a limo!!!! for the girls. The limo picked up each girl from her house and took them all to the party.
The driver was the best!!!!!!
He got out of the car for each and every girl and opened the door for them.
They listened to Hannah Montana / Miley Cyrus songs the whole ride.
They pumped up the volume and even danced in the limo.
My Hannah Montana!
The table I set up for them. I didn't get there before them so I did not get the chance to take detailed photos.
Desert table
The hanging pompoms were made out of tissues. Please go over to Martha Stewart's web and see how you can make them.
Half way through the party:)
pizza time!
We also had a pinata, which I made one hour before the party, using a gift bag and some orange, pink and black crepe paper. It was full of gum, candy, plastic toys, chocolate and confetti.
And of course we had CAKE!!!!
here comes the cake!
Congratulations baby!!!!
biting off the dog's nose
Eating the cake:))
This little guy never ate cake before. He didn't like to, and look at him eating this one!!! He ate the whole slice by himself! My no 1 fan:)))
How could I not post about him???????
If you want to see more pictures of Rebeca's party, please feel free to access my Picasa album and view all the photos.

Ce frumos/...faza cu limuzina m-a dat pe spate!!!
ReplyDeleteCe sa zic...superb, cred ca s-au simtit foarte bine copii!!
Pe mine nu ma adopti? As vrea sa imi faca cineva asa o zi de nastere!!!
Felicitari, esti o mama de NOTA 10!!!!!!!!!!!!
Amazing party for a beautiful girl!....
ReplyDeleteSa-ti traiasca fetita , La multi ani, si mult bine in continuare!
What a wonderful party! everything looks great, the cake is awesome!
ReplyDeleteSuper petrecere! imi place cum ai organizat totul si faza cu pinata, mereu m-a gindit ca e o chestie super haioasa pt copii. Tortul...ei bine, a iesit foarte tare, chiar daca zici tu ca aduce putin cu un soricel. Imi place, pt fete se pot face multe nebunii la petreceri. O astept pe urmatoarea. La multi ani, Rebeca! Sa te faci mare si sa ai tot ce vrei!
ReplyDeleteWooow, Giovanna! Super organizarea, excelenta ideea cu limuzina, cred ca fetele s-au simtit adevarate vedete! Cat despre printesa ta, ai de ce sa te simti mandra: ESTE O PAPUSA! Sa-ti traiasca multi ani fericiti si sa te bucuri cat mai mult de ea. La Multi Ani, Rebecca!!! am cuvinte! o sa ti se duca vorba in"sat":))))felicitari rebeccai ... ii doresc tot binele din lume si voua la fel!
ReplyDeletePreciosa la tarta y el perro impresionante,felicidades a la nena muy guapa.
suuper si ce fun a avut domnisoara ta :)
ReplyDeletecutia cu boboane la noi i punem pe copii sa o sparga cu o bota mai groasa si fiecar da cat de tare poate de 5 ori si tot as apana se sparge si fiecare apoi culege cat poate :))
i super fun pentru copii :)
si Rebeca a avut un party fain
La Multi Ani Rebecai! Sa fiti fericite si mereu cu zambetul pe buze. Felicitari pentru tot ce ai realizat. Te pup
ReplyDeleteva multumesc fetelor. pusi la toate
ReplyDeleteno asta da petrecere! bravo, Giovanna, pentru toate si la muuulti ani fericiti printesei tale :)
ReplyDeleteWhat a lucky girl! That is fabulous! And the cake is so cool!
ReplyDeleteCu intarziere... La multi ani printesei tale, sa se bucure de tot ce ii oferiti cu mult drag si o copilarie vesela si linistita!
ReplyDeleteFotografiile spun ca a avut o zi de party superba alaturi de prietenele ei, iar tortuletul de 10+
Te imbratisez cu drag!
PS: tortuletele tale sunt superbe si la mai mare;)