Another Converse cake, this time without the shoe box. It was supposed to feed 15 people. The inside was chocolate and wild berries.
I wanted to make the shoe gray but when I add Wilton black to white it turns into purple and not gray.
back of the cake
pero que chula¡¡ si parece de verdad¡¡ me gusta hasta para ponérmelas¡¡
I like all the detalis. And your purple is gray in pictures :))
ReplyDeleteA iesit super! Mie mi se pare foarte gri...Iar in legatura cu wilton gel meu da spre incercat sa colorez fondant alb si, desi pusesem o cantitate considerabila de gel, tot nu a ajuns la negru-negru (ca sa nu mai vorbesc de consistenta...devenise foarte sfaramicios). M-am uitat la fondant dupa cateva zile si a iesit cel mai inchis verde posibil...twilight zone, nu alta!