This is my second shark cake, but totally different style from my first attempt.
I like it. Simple shape, easy to do.
It was made for a pair of twin boys, hence the two little fish. They celebrated with their kindergarten mates. I am also doing a much bigger cake for them on Saturday. I am so looking forward to it. The theme is the jungle book!

This shark is scary!! Great cake...
ReplyDeleteI-am aratat lu' baiatul meu mic tortul asta si e terminat dupa el.
ReplyDeleteThat's a fun cake! Love the owl cake too!
ReplyDeleteE foarte reusit. Inca mai am multe de invatat de la tine...
ReplyDeletesuper.......arata f bine.....scary ,dar si funny in acelasi timp!
ReplyDeleteEl tiburon da susto jajaja,esta perfecto,felicidades.
thank you girls/ gracias/ multumesc
ReplyDeleteE cel mai tare rechin!!Pot sa-ti spun "mama lu' Sharky"?Ai miini de aur si o imaginatie fantastica!!de ieri voiam sa te iau la pupat si laudat,iarta-ma ca m-am luat cu altele,meritai comment instant!!
ReplyDeletete pup!
Este cel mai fioros tort, ever! Trebuie sa fi fost taaaare bun. Felicitari, iar pentru executie un "perfect 10"