This cake was a surprise birthday gift from one of my high school classmates, who is now living in NZ, to her brother.
She discovered my blog last week and wrote to me about making her brother a cake. Obviously I said yes and this is what I made for him.
I wanted to post it quickly, as I am sure Daria would love to see her present.
I hope you all liked it. Looking forward to getting some feedback from you, Daria:)

ReplyDeleteEstá perfecto.
¿Como lo has hecho?
Marcando los hexágonos con un cartón, como el anterior o pegando hexágono por hexágono...
Un abrazo artista.
Dumnezeule, Giovanna! Le scoti pe banda rulanta, unul mai frumos ca celalat. Tu cand te mai odihnesti? Te pup
ReplyDeletedraga Giovanna,esti o adevarata maestra...o adevarata inspiratie blogul tau!
ReplyDelete@ isabel - esta vez he pegado hexagono y pentagono uno por uno. sale mucho mejor asi. perfecta entera. cuando marcamos, es dificil cubrir perfectamente con el fondant una esfera. por esso al primera vez puse una bufanda. para cubrir imperfecciones. asi no habia ni una imperfection!
ReplyDelete@ petite foury - multumesc mult. adevarul e ca nu ma prea odihnesc... e greu dar mai e un pic si vine vara!!! vacanta si gata cu lucrul.
ReplyDeletete pup
@ alice - multumesc mult. ma bucur mult cuvintele tale. te pup
ReplyDeleteCe minge perfecta ai facut!!!
ReplyDeleteFelicitari again:)
superb si tortul minge!!! felicitari!
ReplyDeleteeu obosesc dupa unul..rezist cumva si la al doilea, dar la 3 nu stiu daca as face fata! (adevarul e ca si experienta isi spune cuvantul).
Giovanna, e facut in forma speciala sau... ?
@ bianca - multumesc mult. te pusi
ReplyDelete@ cellya - multumesc. nu am forme speciale. mi-am construit tortul intr-u bowl de plastic rotund dupa care l=am dat al frigider o noapte. cand l-am scos avea forma unei jumatati de sfera. celalta jumate de jos este polistiren sculptat. :)
This was the BEST PRESENT we could send to my brother, all the way from down here on the other side of the world. The girl's got serious talent making these cakes, big thumbs-up! ;-) Multumim tare, Marius a fost foarte placut surprins si, in plus, va ramane cu o amintire foarte dragutza peste ani si ani. Keep them coming, I will be ordering more for events in my family: coming up is a new Baby (boy, so will need a diper-cake around Aug/Sept!keep in touch. :-)
ReplyDeletethank you for the lovely feedback daria.
ReplyDeletelooking forward to making your diaper cake:)