My first Converse sneaker and the nightmare continues... sorry, it doesn't continue, it turns into a thriller!!!!!
Let me tell you about my shoe box. I wanted to make it black as you can see and I thought I should add some brown powder color to help the black get darker sooner. Yes I know, I already had problems with the red color but I thought to myself for darker colors it should be OK, the small dots will not show.
So I added a knife's tip of brown powder and the usual black wilton gel color.
Sufficient to say that in less than a minute my fondant was all ruined!!!! I do not know what's in that brown color but my fondant almost instantly lost all elasticity and separated into crumbs!
I tried to fix it, by adding honey by adding butter,by heating it in the microwave for 10 secs, nothing worked.
Please believe me when I tell you that I spent 2 and half hours just to cover the shoe box!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tried 5 times to cover it, but every time it would break into several pieces when placing it on the cake. I ended up covering it side by side and still had plenty of difficulties while doing so.
It was horrible and nerve wracking.
So I am Wilton's no 1 fan again.
I hate powdered colors!
The sneaker came out larger then anticipated, but at least now I have a reference point.

Giovanna, te compatimesc pentru trauma suferita :-(, daaar priveste rezultatul: a iesit super! De fapt ce sa-ti mai spun eu, ca tot ce faci tu e super. Astept cu nerabdare un tutorial la sneaker. Puuup
ReplyDeleteVaya Giovana lo pasaste mal,los colores oscuros son muy complicados y en polvo mas.
ReplyDeletePero te quedo estupendo,si mi hijo lo viera intentaría ponérselo.
in poza arata super....imi pare rau pt esec....:)
ReplyDeletecata perfectiune, super fain , vreau sa te felicit de mii.................. de ori
ReplyDelete'neata Giovanna ! Superrr tare tortul !Ai tipar pt aceste incaltari ? Sigur ma pune baiatul meu sa-i fac asa ceva( nu am facut niciodata). Ai avut probleme doar la cutie ? Deci renunti definitiv la colorantul pulbere ? Eu cu cel portocaliu nu am avut probleme (am facut niste trandafiri superbi ). Te pup, o zi buna !
ReplyDelete@ Nina - yap, colorantii pulbere sunt OUT!!!!!! o s aincerc sa colorez cioco alba cu ei sa vad cum merge, dar pt fondant nu ii recomand chiar de loc. Nu am tipar pt incaltari totul a fost free handed, am taiat si am pus fondantul pe papuc de multe ori pana a iesit.
ReplyDelete@ multumesc mult daniela
@ just me - poate ca in poza nu s evede, dar daca te uiti atent o sa vezi diferenta de textura de la fondantul ce acoperea appucucl si la cel de pe cutie.
@ flora y jesus - gracias. besos
@petite foury - tutorial? poate data viitoare cand mai fac unul. acum a fost prima data, si nu stiam ce si cum totul a fost pe incercari repetate. dar acum ca stiu ce si cum s-ar putea sa pot face unul dar asta numai cand voi avea o alta cerere pt asa ceva.
Cu toate peripetiile a iesit super!
ReplyDeleteBine ca ai rezolvat problema, si de acum incolo nu vei mai folosi cu siguranta colorantul acela la pasta.
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear you've had so much trouble, the converse turned out really well though - good job!
ReplyDeleteIt looks amazing! Sorry you had so many problems. I hate cake days like that :D
ReplyDeleteThis is my new favorite!
Giovanna, m-ai facut, dupa ce am stat intr-o zi, aproape trei ore pe blogul tau, sa-mi placa sa fac torturi...
ReplyDeleteEu sunt cook, chef....I love to make food, nu ma credeam in stare sa decorez un tort...
Never say never, right?
O sa postez si eu umila mea incercare din weekendul care tocmai a trecut!
Tortul arata poze nu se vede diferenta!
@ tartoras - waw! astept sa iti vad tortul. m-am simtit f flatata de mesajul tau.
ReplyDeletete pup