boy & girl cake

Another two in one cake:)
 This time for  a brother and sister born one on the 27th of April and the other one on the 28th of April, one year apart. How cool is that?
They celebrated together their birthday, and this is what I made for them:
The very girly, fashion & make-up, side of the cake. Happy birthday Timeea!

And the sports side of the cake, for the boy. Happy birthday Vlad!


  1. ai niste deei minunate, arata super fain, o zi buna si spor la torturi...dulci

  2. multumesc mult de tot. esti tare speciala

  3. Interesante 2 in 1 realizezi:)

  4. Muy original,dos en uno me gusta.

  5. nu stiam cine mi-a sutit aseara perlele,fardul si oja,am gasit hotul,fainut de tot tortul ,am o pritena care-mi spune ca am maini sfintite cand plantez plantele in ghiveci ca mi se prind intodeauna,asa-ti spun si eu tie,esti o artista a decorarilor
