more chocolate adventures

This last cake was a killer. It took me 5 hours to finish it. My back was hurting like crazy.
I wanted to do it in dark chocolate this time and it looks like it is quite different from the white one. It took me soo much more and I had to re do the fans over and over again.
The cake was HUGE!


  1. It looks amazing! I haven't made that many chocolate covered cakes but I think they look fantastic...

  2. mamma mia:)))arata mortal...cred ca ti-a luat mult.....dar a meritat:))foarte misto, sigur a fost un succes!

  3. yap. am pos la how to poze si explicatii cum s afci fanurile astea din cioco.
    sper s ate ajute. eu de acolo am invatat.
    dar trebuei mana si ;practica. am facut vreo 10 pana am prins cum sta treaba.

  4. Wow,cum arata al doilea tort! trebuie sa caut la how to,sa prind si eu trebuie sa gasesc si curajul de a incerca o asemenea minunatie!
    Felicitari,din nou!Esti uimitoare!

  5. Wow - that looks like a lot of work.... and lots of leftover chocolate pieces that break :-)

  6. mersi mult stefana. esti o super draguta.
    ma bucura mult cuvintele tale.
    incearca. vei resusi sigur. dar incearca intai cu cioco alba menaj. e mai usor de lucrat cu ea decat cu asta neagra.
    te pup

  7. thank you sweet things:))) how did that sound?:)))))
