Hello girls & guys (if any),
today It is not about the cakes! I have not done any cakes today, instead I did a "Grab My button" button and added it on my blog. I am so proud of myself:) You can see it at the top of my right column.
If you want to add it to your blog, which would totally make my day, by the way, please feel free to do so.
All you need to do is copy the HTML code provided below my image button, then go to your blog's layout click add a gadget, then click on HTML/JavaScript and paste the code there. then you save the changes and that is it, my button will appear on your blog.
Again, so happy!!!
It is not difficult at all. I just followed a great tutorial I found on the web from A heart for Home. If you want to do your button, please read their Blog button with code box tutorial. It is soo easy and well explained, that you will be able to make one for yourself in not more than 10 minutes.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to write to me. I'll get back to you with an answer asap.

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