First I have to tell you that I loved getting your comments and reading about what you were going to make for Easter. Everyone is making so many things...
I for one will not be doing anything this Easter, apart from cakes of course. Even the eggs I am thinking of buying them already dyed. The only thing I want to do is decorate some cupcakes with my daughter.I hope I get to that!
I loved each and everyone's comments, wish I could choose more than one winner, but only one of you gets to be the winner this time.
I have asked my husband to choose a number from 1 to 18, 18 being the number of people that entered my giveaway. He said 3, so here is participant number 3 in my comments list
- Interesanta initiativa! Felicitari! Aceasta sarbatoare este foarte speciala pentru mine de cand mama mea nu mai este decat in amintirile noastre. Pe masa se vor gasi preparate care-i placeau - oua "pestrite", piftie de curcan, sarmalute in foi de stevie, cozonac si pasca foarte speciala care se face in familie - si preparate care ne plac noua - salata de gat de miel, friptura aromata cu garnitura de fenicul si legume, drob... Toate acestea vor fi pe masa impodobita dupa intoarcerea de la biserica. A... si va fi si ceva "udatura" neaosa, pe langa rugaciunea catre Dumnezeu si recunoasterea ca "Christos a inviat!".
Congratulations Elena Toma!!!!!!!
Please email me your address so that I can mail you the goodies.
On the top left side of my blog you yave an email me button. Just click there and you can send me an email.
Happy Easter everyone. Thank you very much for participating.

Felicitari doamna Elena. Sa stapaniti sanatoasa premiul.
ReplyDeleteFelicitari Elena!
Sarbatori Fericite la toata lumea!
Cu drag,
ReplyDeleteSa aveti un Paste fericit!
Multumesc pentru acest premiu, este o supriza foarte placuta! Neasteptata, pentru ca s-au inscris aici numai posibile castigatoare.
ReplyDeleteFelicitari pentru aceasta initiativa frumoasa, Giovanna! O initiativa care merita sa fie promovata si de noi. Eu ma gandesc serios la ceva asemanator, dar inca nu sunt hotarata asupra temei.