two toned heart cake

I made this white & red heart cake for a gorgeous(yes, I am blushing:))) young man. 
The cake was a gift to his girlfriend. Hope she liked it!
I loved how the cake looked, just like that, simple, yet plain beautiful and I felt I would have spoiled it by adding decorations or writing on it, so I chose do decorate and write on the board. The writing on the board says Happy Birthday in Romanian, as per the boyfriend's request.


  1. hei Giovanna :)frumos tiai facut casuat ta (blogul)

    si ai torturi frumoase

  2. imi place noul look!:))fain si tortl, pare foarte inalt in poze...:)

  3. multumesc Mimi & Bianca
    da tortul este f inalt. in general le fac toate inalte sa arate bine etajate. si am ramas pe aceasi chestie chiar si daca nu le etajez:)

  4. Hi ,te asteapta niste premi la mine pe blog de 8 Martie daca iti face palcere sa-l ridici .....

  5. Ma bucur ca sarezolvat :) offf eram :((
    pe curand !si te astept si pe la mine :)

  6. Imi place mult! Eu sunt moarta dupa inimioare...
    Un weekend fain
