daisy duck cake

This is my legless Daisy the duck:))) her legs would not fit on my board so I was forced to leave her without.
It is a pity because, I was really looking forward to making her shoes.


  1. It's very nice , very beautifull. Congratulations on a great.

  2. thank you all so much. I tried my best. I feared it in the beginning but as I started to work on it I lost all my fears and it came out great.

  3. Ce frumoase sunt toate torturile tale...Serios acuma. Zici ca sunt desenate pe o hartie nu facute din blat.
    Felicitari inca odata!!!!

  4. Arata grozav si fara picioare. Funda ei e la fel de importanta, doar ma uit in fiecare dimineata cu cel mic la ea.:)

  5. Superbe! Am sa revin pe blogul tau mai des sa ma minunez... Ti-am pus banerul la mine pe blog, MERITA!
