Oldie but goldie:))

 Remember this????? 
I used to make it sooo often a long time ago:) I think it has been a year since I have done one of this. 
This time the request was that the zipper would be closed and no scarves around the puppy.
In order to do that, I placed the dog at the side of the cake and not in the middle and so i was able to close the zipper and make it noticeable as well.


  1. Superb! Imi aminteste de cel pe care l-ai facut pentru fetita ta si de petrecerea fantastica pe care i-ai organizat-o.

  2. Foarte reusit si acesta!Felicitari!

  3. Superb! Catetul e tare simpatic!

  4. Este mortal catelul! Dulce foc! Super!Pupici!

  5. Ahhhh so cute e catelusul,nici de gind parca nu are sa se dea jos,sede tantos frumuselu,te felicit draga.

  6. chiar daca modelul e vechi mie-mi place la fel de mult!
    catelusul e adorabil!!! superb tort!
