First, I am going to pass this award to my precious daughter, Rebeca, as she is the sunshine of my eyes, so who better to receive this than her.
Second, I would like to offer this to a good friend of mine, Pili,who deserves it just for being herself. Happy to have you in my life, although so far away.
Din tot sufletul premiul oferit!
ReplyDeleteMerci frumos pt. sugestia cu centrul colorat la floare. Pana a venit Lia sa ia tortul am si trecut la pictat interiorul. Eram prea obosita cand l-am facut si desi simteam ca lipseste ceva, nu realizam ce... Stiam ca nu este prea colorat, prea incarcat... dar mi-a scapat:D
Te pup si imbratisez cu drag!
GRACIAS. Yo tambien estoy muy contenta de tenerte en mi vida, a ti y a toda tu familia, un beso.