Cake done for a Christening, as per the proud parents' request.
I had a lot of trouble with this one's fondant and butter cream frosting. I can only suspect it was because of the summer like temperatures. Not even 10 minutes outside and it started to melt. Never happened before. The flowers were supposed to be purple as well. Unfortunately, they did not last long enough. This is how they looked yesterday.
Tort facut pentru un botez, conform cerintelor parintilor.
Am avut multe bataie de cap la acest tort cu fondantul si crema de dedesubtul fondantului. Dupa nici zece minute afara incepeau sa se inmoaie. Nu stiu exact cauza, banuiesc ca datorita temperaturilor deja ridicate. Nu am mai patit asa ceva. Florile trebuiau sa fie mov ca si panglica. Din pacate nu au rezistat. Asa aratau ieri.
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