and a new blog mentioning!!!!

yet another blog mentioning for me! oh yes!
How great is this Xmas going to get? I am happy to let you know that I have been mentioned again on a very cool and interesting blog. One of my cakes and my work made it to another blog once more. This can only make me feel appreciated for my work and I have to say I am so loving this:)
If you want to see the post about me and my cake please click below and while you are there browse the blog a little bit. I am sure you will find it interesting.

create animated gif

Thank you so much!

1 comment:

  1. woooooooowwwwwwwww
    baby, onorata sunt eu ca ma aflu printre minunatiile tale!!!!!
    vai, nu ma asteptam! Am vrut doar sa arat si altora operele de arta pe care le admir zilnic, de ceva timp!
    Meriti cu prisosinta toate felicitarile din lume! Esti o adevarata artista!
