This is the cake I did for Rebeca yesterday.
I wanted to try out something different. This a recipe I found on a blog I read constantly, called BOCADOS DULCES Y SALADOS. Please make sure you visit it. Great food in there. Spanish knowledge required, though.
I really wanted to try out something different from what I normally do. 3 citrus mousse- appealed to me a lot. It came out quite good. We enjoyed it a lot, very refreshing.
I am thinking of modifying it to 3 separate layers of lemon, lime and orange mousses. I think this way you might be able to appreciate more the taste of each citric, rather than all 3 mixed together.
The original recipe for this mousse can be found here.
I hope you enjoy it, if you try it out.
Acesta este tortul ce l-am facut ieri pentru Rebeca. Vroiam sa incerc ceva nou si diferit. Am gasit aceasta reteta pe un blog ce il citesc in mod constat, BOCADOS DULCES Y SALADOS. Va rog sa il vizitati. Retete grozave, dar e nevoie de cunostinte de spaniola.
A fost foarte bun, foarte fresh, perfect pentru vara. M-am gandit sa il modific, in sensul ca sa fie 3 straturi separate de lamaie, limette si portocala, asa cred ca se va putea aprecia mai bine gustul fiecareia decat toate 3 amestecate.
Reteta originala pentru acest mousse o gasiti aici.
Sper sa va placa daca o sa o incercati.
Para el verano queda riquísima y fresquita. Te ha quedado estupenda hecha en tarta grande.