I've been seeing on the web so many gorgeaus decorated cookies and I have always wanted to try making some myself. I looked for receipes and chose a simple one and gave it a try.I love them!!!!! They were delicious!!!! Everybody enjoyed them, especially my not so little one. Actually she is part of the reason why I tryed them out. It gave us something to do together, and she enjoyed it a lot. She was very proud of her cookies and keeps asking me to do another batch.
we'll do it again, that's for sure. These make great party favors, you can also make a bouquet arrangement out of them, so they really are great. And very delicious, mind you!
You can get the recipe for both the cookies and the royal icing as well as "how to" instructions from here, but you can use whatever recipe you like.
Am tot vazut eu pe net biscuiti decorati si am vrut sa ii incerc si eu. Au iesit super buni si foarte aspectuosi.I-am facut impreuna cu Rebeca, si astfel am avut sansa sa facem ceva impreuna. Este foarte mandra de ce a realizat si ma tot intreaba cand mai facem biscuiti.
o sa mai repetam cu siguranta. Sunt o idee foarte buna si originala, la noi, pentru party-uri. ii putem aranja intr-un buchet frumos, sunt super! ... si f f f deliciosi!
Reta pentru biscuiti si glazura precum si tehnica de decorare le puteti lua de aici, dar puteti folosi ce reteta va place.
and now, my little helper/ si acum ajutorul meu

They look great!
ReplyDeleteI love decorating cookies too!!!