In urma cu ceva timp am fost contacta si intrebata daca doresc sa particip si eu la un concurs de deserturi de catre Diva Hair. Am ales sa accept invitatia lor si astfel m-am inscris in concurs pe Diva, unul dintre cele mai importante site-uri pentru femei din Romania. Acest site are si o sectiune cu
Retete culinare
si multe articole extrem de interesante pentru noi fetele. Il recomand tuturor.
Cerinta era sa incorporam si logo-ul Diva Hair in desertul nostru.
A while back I was contacted by DIva, one of the most important women's site in Romania, and asked if I wanted to participate in a competion. I was supposed to make a cake and the only request was to incorporate their logo. I said yes, and this is my Diva Hair cake.
Am ales sa fac o poseta. Mi se pare ca este un accesoriu nelipsit la orice Diva. Am ales sa il fac in culorile gasite in log-ul Diva hair, am adaugat un breloc ce reprezinta logo-ul lor si ca si o completare am ales sa il incorporez si pe platou sub forma scrisa. Rujul este o completare dulce:)), din nou, nelipsit la orice diva.
I chose to go with a hand bag, as I think handbags are a must to any Diva. I made it in the colors found in their logo, I incorporated their logo in the form of a key chain ring and by writing it on the board. The lipstick was a sweet addition :) and another must in any diva's life.
vedere partea stanga si spate / back and left side view
vedere partea dreapta/ right side view
detaliu breloc logo Diva Hair / closeup of the Diva Hair logo key chain ring
Am sa va pun si doua poze ca sa vedeti cum am ajuns la aceasta forma a tortului.
And this is how this cake came into being.
Doua torturi dreptunghiulare cladite unul peste celalat
Two rectangle cakes stacked one on top of the other.
dupa sculptat, in forma finala / after the sculpting was done
Daca va place tortul meu, si doriti sa il votazi pe facebook, puteti da click aici. Intai trebuie sa dati like la profilul Diva si apoi va apare like sub poza mea. Va multumesc. If you like my cake and want to like it on facebook as well:), click here. You first need to like Diva's profile and then you will have a like button below my cake's photo. Thank you.