
Starbucks coffe cup

I have just read that Starbucks changed their logo in 2011 to mark 40 years of being in business. So this cup is from 2010!!!!!!:))) Still tasted amazingly good:)))
To make the logo I used edible paper and an edible printer, and printed out the image. I do not own such a printer yet, so I asked for help here. It was my first time working with edible paper. This summer when I go on my vacation I am definitely acquiring one of these printers.
Wish I had done the side strips thinner so they wouldn't be so noticeable. The cake was quite tall so it was impossible to cover it in one smooth piece, hence I made two lateral cuts. Other than that, happy, happy with the cake.


  1. Woooow, arata minunat. Nu stiu ce vezi tu acolo in neregula, insa mie imi pare perfect. Mai ca as lua o gura de "cafea".

  2. Super Giovanna! Arata bestial... nu stiu daca as prefera cafeau sau tortul ;))

  3. Sa stii ca la inceput, nici nu mi-am dat seama ca este tort! Deci...este PERFECT!Te pup!

  4. misto......acu mi-ai facut pofta de o cafea de la starbucks:))

  5. foarte frumos !!! imi place la tine varietatea torturilor ...ce bine ca nu iti prea cer clientii bis-uri :)

  6. Ioi ce fain e!!! Si frisca aia deasupra...vai super...

  7. @ torturile danielei - nu toate bisurile de publica:) plus de ex tort 1 am facut n bisuri deja dar incerc sa le afc diferit de fiecare data ca sa nu ma repet, si astfel pot posta.

  8. Yo me tomaría un café como este...pero en tu compañía, que para mi sola me parece un poco grende, jejeje.
    Te quedó perfecta.
    Y la de las zaptillas en rosa y limón...
    Anda que los libros, es una pasada.
    Te felicito.
    Buen finde.
