
Halloween monster bites!!!!

I've been away for two days and we returned today, just in time for Halloween:).
Rebeca is having a Halloween play date and I made a couple of things for her and her friends. 
The first snack I am going to show you is called monster bites.
This is how you can make them
 Necessary ingredients: red apples, peanut butter and white mini marshmallows.

 slice the apples and spread some peanut butter on them.

 put mini white marshmallows on one slice, so they look like teeth.

and ... these are the monster bites! easy and simple.
If you want to see what I did last year for Halloween click here.
Happy Halloween!!!!!


  1. faina ideea..doar ca nu-mi place peanut ce oare?HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

  2. poti folosi altceva i guess ca se se lipeasca marshmallows'yrile de mar. la voi aveti cred si crema de marshmallows. deci poti folosi si altceva. te pusi.

  3. just me, cred ca poti pune si miere :) Arata haios gurile de mere, tare idee.

  4. nu cred ca mierea e ok. curge in cateva minute ar curge de pe mar, ar murdari tot, plus copii s-ar murdari. nu as recomanda. eu pun pe brie miere si nu e asa alunecoasa ca marul si tot curge.

  5. I love this idea! You are so creative!!

  6. I use to make these for Madison snack time :) She loved them!! They are so cute.
