
Excavator cake again

 Another  excavator cake, this time being for a two year old I tried to give it a more toy-ish look.
The inside was lemon cheese cake.


  1. barbatii si utilajele grele... si eu ar trebui sa ii fac la sotu de ziua lui unul cu un stivuitor... sa vedem daca ma incumet

  2. Ce frumos e... si primul a fost frumos cu mirele si mireasa dar parca asta e mai vesel putin:) Foarte funny cum ai pus fata : zambitoare). Super. pupici

  3. Fiecare creatie de-a ta, draga Giovanna, ma lasa fara cuvinte....

  4. Hi,

    please let me know what is the excavator made outside?
    gum paste or fondant?

    how come is so shinny>?

    I've noticed all your cakes have a shinny, smooth appearance .... how is this made?

    and btw, you have a awesome blog.

    can you post more on tutorial section?
    Thank you


  5. Un nou excavator perfect, dar mai haios :))

  6. @ Lumi - hi right back at you:) I use fondant, the home made version, never gum paste. I always steam my cakes after they are finished. hence the shiny look. the smooth appearance is due to my excessive need to make things perfect:))) I try to make them as smooth as possible in butter cream and then carefully cover them in fondant. It is more difficult on the irregular shapes but I try my best.

  7. Minunat si super perfect arata!!!Detaliile wowww....

  8. Thank you Giovanna,

    If you don't mind, how do you steam the cakes?
    I am not a professional, but I didn't get it! - steam....means water isn't it?
    anyway, I am sure you're good in what you do and more then anything, practice is the key :)

    What do you think: the thickness of the fondant counts?
    I'm asking, because my fondant crackes very often.

    i'm from Cluj too :)) but not living there anymore.

    thank you very much



  9. @ lumi - steam means aburi:) daca tot esti din cj putem face asta in ro:) eu mi-am luat un aparata din ala de calcat perdele cu aburi:) si pe ala il folosesc. works out just fine.
    da grosimea influenteaza. daca e mai gros nu o sa ti se vada eventualele denivelari de sub el. daca fondantul tau cracks nu cred ca are de a face cu grosimea la care il intinzi. coi poate e prea uscat, poate nu are eleasticitatea necesara, dar nu cred ca grosimea lui i-ar putea cauza crapaturi. acuma zic si eu dupa mintea mea. I am no expert and I am all self tought.

  10. that's good to know....
    i know steam means 'abur', - but it's water normally converted in steam.-
    i'm saying because when my fondant gets wet it becomes sticky. isn't the same with steam?
    well, your cakes are soooooo shinny - and that's because of the steam ......gooodddd!

    when I knead the fondant I use powdered sugar. This might be the reason why it gets too dry....isn't it?

    thank you anyway

    I'll keep an eye on your wonderfully made cakes
    good luck
