
Ice cream cone tree how to

As promised a few days back to one of my most loyal readers here is  a step by step on how to make these ice cream cone trees.

 You need an ice cream cone and green butter cream, as well as a closed star decorating tip.
 Start piping from the bottom of the cone  all around it.
 Then do the next layer and so on.
 This is how it should look after you've piped a few layers.
 When you are almost to the top, place your cone on the cake and press it slightly into the cake and then finish covering the rest of the ice cream cone.
You can make various sizes by cutting your ice cream cone before starting to cover it in butter cream. I think they look much better than the fondant ones.
Daniela, I hope this has been helpful.


  1. da, ai dreptate, arata mult mai realistic..iar tu esti o adevarata maestra si doamna...esti de apreciat ca iti faci timp si pentru noi si ne mai dai sfaturi si ne areti cum faci anumite decoratii!iti doresc sa ajungi la stele si eu voi ramane o clienta fidela:))faci delivery in canada?:)))pup !

  2. Foarte original ,super:)
    Daca nu e secret pot sa intreb reteta la crema de unt?Nu prea lucrez cu unt dar asta arata foarte bine .Banuiesc ca colorant willton ai folosit !?
    Mersi de raspuns .Te pusi

  3. @ Maryquylla - de nada. espero que sirva.

    @ Cakeni - crema de unt in mod normal raportul e 1 unt - 2 zahar pudra, dar eu folosesc 1 la 1 si e super ok. nu pun nimic altceva. da colorant wilton.

    @ just me - :))) multumesc mult. nu fac delivery in canada dar te astept pe tine in cj. te pusi.

  4. Sponsoriari faceti doamna ?:)) Sau mai bine zis donatii?:)) Ca vreau si eu un tort dinasta frumos:))
    Faina tehnica ta.
    Ce numar are duiul ala? Sa vad daca eu il am.

  5. @ bianca - eu ma facut cu nr 17 dar poti sa faci cu ce ai. pusi.

  6. giovanna multumesc pt tutorial , si multumesc ca m-ai anuntat `acasa `la mine. scuze ca nu am reusit pana azi sa ajung aici

  7. Poti te rog sa-mi spui ce fel de unt folosesti?

  8. @ anonymous - unt 82% grasime,dorna

  9. Multumesc mult! Multe creatii superbe, in continuare!
