
Xmas gift wrapping

I have already started my Xmas gift wrapping:)
This year I thought of doing something slightly different, so I chose to use a raw wooden paper with a very rustic feel. Instead of the obvious ribbon I went with natural raffia, but tinted green and for the pop of color and the spirit of Xmas and because I am all about sweets lately, I added  a classic Xmas candy cane to each gift.

Here is a close up.
Are we liking this or not?


  1. ambalare eco-friendly... dar nu dai si idei de cadouri? :D

  2. @ anca - eu anul acesta am ales cartile ca si cadouri! cel mai bun cadou!

  3. Ce idee faina mi-ai dat...
    m-am saturat de-atatea hartii lucioase si extrem de scumpe si tot felul de funde si fundite!
    Foarte interesant....chiar o sa pun in practica anul acesta!
