
No 1 cake

 Finally I got the chance to do a no 1 cake!!!! I've always wanted to do one, so when my dear friend Dorina asked me to make a cake for her little nephew turning 1 I thought to myself, here is my chance:)
  Since there is snow outside, everywhere you look, I went with the winter decor on my first no 1 cake.

 No 1 was made from a sheet rectangle cake cut and built into a 1 shape.

detail of the cute snowflakes,
made with a special cutter that I had recently purchased.


  1. Eiii daa!! Perfect si imi place foarte mult !

  2. si eu vreau sa incerc un 1, si mai vreau si cutterul de fulgi :) Si mai vreau si tortul tau, in curind fac 1 an de torturi, deci mi se potriveste ;) Pup!

  3. Lovely!! I love the details and color.

  4. vaaai ce frumos este ! si fara michimausi , si fara flori !

  5. Ce frumos e!!! O idee grozava :)

  6. Dragut 1!! De sezon decorul tau:)

  7. @ bianca - yap, in ton cu vremea de afara:)

    @ stefana - multu tare. vroiam ceva de la mine, mai diferit. mi-am placut si mie rezultatul. te pusi.

    @ torturile danielei - multuu draga mea.

    @ Mari - thank you so much.

    @ cccris - mmm... pai atunci astept sa vad un 1 si la tine pe blog. pusi.

    @ nina's art cake - multumesc mult. te pup.

  8. Super a iesit giovanna, chiar abia asteptam sa-l vad :)
