
tiara on a pillow cake

I made this cake for a young lady, getting married. 
This is the cake she got at her bachelor-ette party. It was my first time hand modeling a tiara, and it gave me plenty of stress and trouble. I did not have the necessary time to make it ahead.The middle part was a different design. much taller but it broke when placed on the cake so I had to quickly do something else, much smaller so that it would stay in place. I then added some feathers to give it some height, as the laterals of my tiara were taller than the middle part, but in the end it stayed on the cake, giving me no more problems.

this is the pillow cake, before the tiara was put on top.

A close up of the buttons I made to use on my pillow cake. I used a First impressions mold to make them. Looooove them:))

and the finished cake with the hand made tiara. I hope the bride to be liked her cake.


  1. Super tortul, atit de cizelat! nasturii sunt superbi:)

  2. Ce frumos!!!! Imi plac mult nasturii si perna albastra:) Eu as fi pus o cordeluta impopotonata cu ceva ca si coroana:) Tu esti tare oricum si ai folosit pasta !! Super

  3. No parece un pastel, parece de verdad!!!

    Qué bonito!!!


  4. heeee, gracias maria alonso. me has hecho el dia:))) un beso muy fuerte para ti tambien.

  5. supeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrbbbbb! ador genu asta de torturi

  6. Hi Giovanna
    Beautiful cake ..the tiara effect is great...simply loved your creation.

  7. cu peripetii sau fara, razultatul uimeste. Frumos!

  8. multumesc mult anca. esti o draguta.

  9. si mie imi palc mult just me. atat ca nu sunt din cele mai simple de realizat, dar oricum nici cele mai complicate.

  10. ya se ve que lo tuyoson las REINAS YLAS PRINCESASSS...JAJA

    un super beso artista

  11. Ai facut o treaba grozava. Coronitele sint tare delicate, am avut si eu probleme cu a mea. Totul e bine cind se termina cu bine.
