
guest featuring

I haven't featured anyone in a while, but I guess I was just waiting for someone as special as this guest.
Her name is Melinda from Tg Mures and she is just 15!!!!!!!!!
How cool is that? 15 and already found a passion in life.
She is a fan of my work and she has been writing to me, asking questions about this wonderful world of cakes, and she has also sent me pictures of one of her cakes.

I think she did a great job on this cake. I have to say it again. she is only 15!!!!!
I am so amazed by this girl.
I hope you continue down this road. I am sure you will be a great cake decorator some day.
Melinda, practice makes perfect!the most important advice I could give you, believe me.

and a section of her cake. yummy....
So proud to be an inspiration to this wonderful girl. 
Melinda,you make everything I do seem even more important now. Thank you for being my fan and for following my work.


  1. Great cake, well done Melinda!

  2. Frumos tort!!! la doar 15 ani e super sa ai asemenea pasiuni.
    Ma bucur ca ii promovezi munca. Nu are blog?
    Imi place crema din tort:) Cum e facuta? Yammy!!!

  3. nu nu are blog. poate in viitor

  4. Pai sa treaca la treaba si sa isi faca blog, sa vedem tot ce a facut pina acum. Daca aveam si eu net la 15 ani...ce nebunii as fi facut, la torturi ma refer. Melinda, da-i bataie!!!!

  5. Inca o data iti multumesc Giovanna pentru postare si de asemenea ii multumesc celor care s-au oprit sa-mi lase o vorba buna. Acum vazand aceste commenturi ma gandesc sa fac un blog. Daca o sa fac va impartasesc cele facute pana acum. :D

  6. Am facut si eu un blog, . Va astept cu drag!
