
fresh orchid wedding cake

This Saturday a very good friend of mine got married and this was my gift to the lovely couple.
We had a great time at the wedding party. 
The design of the cake belongs to the bride herself.
This is my friend. Love you gorgeous xxxx

Rebeca throwing rose petals before the bride.
on site religious ceremony

The party and religious ceremony were held at "daVinci" restaurant.
Beautiful location, fabulous restaurant and good food. what more can you ask for? oh yes, there is something else... and they have that too!!!!!! huge parking lot:)))))))
So if you want to celebrate your event in style or just want to go out to a restaurant, try daVinci.

our table, last but not least... Giovanna & co:)

table setting, all done by the bride herself.

champagne table arrangement

fruit and cheese bar

Giovanna & husband:)))
most British!

and we love the British!!!!!!!!!!!! we wanna be just like them:))))

Best dressed man!

I just had to have a picture next to him:)))
wish I could share more pics, but I feel I would be invading our friends' privacy.
It was a great party. we all had a great time.
and the cake has arrived...


  1. The cake is gorgeous! Love the colour combination. And what a gorgeous setting to get married. (love your dress by the way!!)

  2. What a beautiful cake! Lovely colours!

  3. Tortul a fost MORTAL!!!
    Cata eleganta si stil acolo...oare chiar e in Romania? De fapt e dar trebuie sa ai bani multi sa poti face asa ceva. Off...
    Tu esti superba, o frumoasa si o slaba:P
    Te pup cu drag

  4. Ti-a iesit superb tortul. Imi place mult cum a fost decorul salii... Pastrez pozele ca inspiratie. Imi place mult si rochita ta, si a miresii. Tu esti o superba. Totul mi-a placut. (Trebuie sa specific de rochita ca am vazut sambata o mireasa care nu prea m-a incantat :p)

  5. multumesc fetelor. egoul meu tocmai a urcat cateva nivele:)

  6. eheee, frumos tort, iar decorul de la nunta, exact cum imi place mie, cum faceam si eu cind ma ocupam de nunti, super stilul. Sa va fie rusine fetelor ca nu pomeniti si de Rebeca, asa de scumpa si de preocupata sa presare petale. Pupici Rebecai, iar de tine nu mai zic nimic ca au zis destul si pt mine fetele :)

  7. wowwwww! superb...locatia deosebita!pot intreba in ce local s-a petrecut tot?ai fost la inaltime,ca intotdeuna.....frumos, frumos,frumos!o nunta ca-n povesti:)

  8. Tortul e superb,tu esti superba,totul e superb!

  9. @ just me - la DaVinci pe bunaziua.te gandesti deja la locatii pt botez?:)

  10. :)) mi-a atras chiar,dar... mi-ar place:))stiu dar cine o sa-mi faca tortul:))pana la botez mai este 1 an:))dar bine de stiut si de notat!

  11. Really, really loved the wedding cake! Orchids are so popular in the summer months. Just a beautiful wedding.

  12. Gorgeous cake! What a wonderful setting for a wedding - perfect decor. You look fabulous too!

  13. cata eleganta, bun gust si stil!Rar asa nunti rafinate in Romanica.Extraordinar de impresionant.Despre tort nu mai vorbim ca-mi lasa gura apa!
