
3 tiers of colors

 Made for a little princess turning 1. 
I was given a photo from the "Avantaje" magazine with a similar cake and asked to make it. The original was constructed differently on a tilted supporting system, and we went for the simple one on top of the other style, but I did keep all the other elements.
 right side view

left side view

Ben 10 watch cake

 My first Ben 10 watch. A very popular character with the boys. 

It was a huge cake.

petrecere Dinner Explorer

Cu acest post particip la concursul, de care va vorbeam aici, organizat de Electrolux.

Va propun o petrecere medievala outdoors. Este petrecea ce intentionez sa mi-o organizez cand voi implini 40, dar mai am de asteptat cativa ani buni:))))


o cabana cu o curte f generoasa:)

  • porc ( ~ 40 kg) la protap
  • cartofi copti
  • buffet de branzeturi si fructe, pt cei ce nu sunt consumatori de carne, ca si mine:)
  • legume(ciuperci, rosii, ardei, dovlecel, ceapa, etc.) la gratar
Lasati-va imaginatia sa zboare cand aranjati masa de branzeturi si legume. ce vedeti in poze sunt dor un stimul vizual.
Pentru masa de branzeturi si fructe, folositi panza de sac din canepa ca si fata de masa, doguri de lemn drept platouri, si nu uitati de fructele uscate! o combinatie perfecta cu branza. Folositi cosuri impletite pentru fructe precum si petru paine. cumparati diverse baghete, chifle cu seminte, etc si puneti-le toate intr-un cos in mijlocul mesei.

  • vin rosu
  • ceai cald, cumparati multe feluri de ceaiuri la plic si expuneti acolo toata gama disponibila pentru ca invitatii vostrii sa isi aleaga ceaiul preferat.

Un "Inspiration board" pentru cum ar trebui sa arate petrecerea.
  1. Baloti de paie - un MUST!!!! vor aduce toata atmosfera medievala, plus vor servi ca si scaune invitatilor. deci multi baloti de paie, care vor fi si practici nu doar simple elemente de decor. 
  2. torte de gradina - un alt must! - cumparati multe torte si implantatile peste tot pentru ca atunci cand se lasa seara sa intrati in atmosfera medievala dorita.
  3. cort zona de  luat ceaiul -  puneti un cort mare de panza, pe care il impodobiti cu diferite materiale, si aici sa fie zona de luat ceaiul. cel din inspiration board este cu scaune si masute. Eu m-am gandit sa luati de la parinti, matusi, covoare persiane, cateva blanite de oaie si multe perne decorative, si sa le aranjati pe jos in cort. Veti servi ceaiul intr-o maniera mai speciala. Aranjati un mic bar in fata, pe care sa expuneti toate ceaiurile disponibile in mici cosulete impletite. Nu uitati sa oferiti si zahar, miere, scortisoara, lamaie. Tot ce trebuie sa pregatiti aici este apa fiarta in cateva termosuri mari, pt ca invitatii dvs sa isi poata prepara ceiaiul preferat.
  4. taraba pentru masa de branzeturi si fructe - cea sin coltul stanga sus, este pentru a va face o idee despre ce va vorbesc. Eu as incadra masa de branzeturi intr-o sctructura simpla de lemn de care sa fixam panza de canepa si diferite legaturi de ierburi uscate, coronite din ceapa, usturoi, ardei piscatori. le gasiti pe toate in piete, daca nu, la magazinele de decoratiuni, false, dar cu acelasi efect. Nu uiatati de fata de masa de canepa si incepeti sa aranjati cosuri cu fructe, cosul cu diferitele varietati de paine si platouri de lemn cu toate felurile de branzeturi disponibile. adaugati fructe uscate, si totul este gata.
  5. lumanari !!! - nu ar putea lipsi. atat pe masa de branzeturi cat si in cortul de luat ceaiul. lumanari care seara sa va asigure lumina necesara si o atmosfera atat de speciala. In cort aveti grija sa le aranjati in niste tavi de metal, astfel eliminand riscul de incendiu.


  1. L'ham de foc - un grup valencian, care din pacate s-a despartit, dar albumele lor au ramas!!!
 va pun si un mic preview

2. Al Andaluz Project
un preview si aici

3. Feet of flames - Michael Flatley - coloana sonora, poate deviez un pic aici, dar merita! si cu un drum pentru cei ce nu il cunosteau... vi-l prezint pe MICHAEL FLATLEY!
un scurt preview, muzica celta


contractati dansatoare si actori/animatori pentru petrecerea dvs.  oferiti-le invitatilor dvs un mic show!

Tinuta: - casual:)) surpriza?:

Si un last touch - fiind o petrecere departe de oras, si care se va intinde si noaptea, unii din invitatii dvs vor opta sa isi petreaca noaptea la cabana, asa ca m-am gandit ca ar fi dragut, ca la momentul respectiv sa ii astepte o doamna imbracata adecvat tematicii, care sa le inmaneze prosoapele si sa ii indrume in camerele lor.

si cu o bonetica pe cap, ce ziceti dragut?

Lista de cumparaturi

  • branzeturi
  • fructe uscate
  • porc
  • legume & fructe
  • ceaiuri
  • vin rosu
  • paine
  • cosuri impletite mari si mici
  • lumanari
  • materiale textile
  • lemn, cuie
  • baloti paie
  • torte de gradina
  • termosuri capacitate mare

Ce ziceti vreti sa veniti la petrecerea asta? Si nu uitati inca mai aveti timp sa participati si voi. concursul este deschis pana in 5 dec. bafta tuturor.

lion cake

 Made for a 1 year old boy who loves lions. 
His mum and dad dressed up as lions on his birthday, so the cake had to be a lion as well.
I am sure it was a great party.
The proud mummy envisioned his cake like this, a lion on top of some grass and maybe  with a tree somewhere, so I tried my best to make her vision of this cake reality.

detail of the lion's face

tweety again

 tweety again! :) 
This time made from a sheet cake. I think it looks good this way too.

chocolate dipped bananas

I made these for a friend of mine's birthday. 8 of us were invited to a wellness center and we got treated with massages and spoiled with champagne and cheese and fruit platters.
I loved it. So different from the typical birthdays. And I thought of making these chocolate dipped bananas. We had a lot of fun:)) with them and they were really good.
To make these, you need to cut your banana in half, melt some chocolate in a bowl and then dip them right in. After I put them on wax paper until the chocolate hardened and with a different type of chocolate decorated them a little bit. nothing to it!

one tier cakes from these past days

simple , easy, yet beautiful! one in fondant , one in chocolate.

horse back riding hat cake

 Made for a little girl, whom I'm told loves horses and loves to ride them too.

my little pony cottage cake

Made for a 3 year old cutie.

Rebeca used to love these ponies too. They are so cute and colorful. 
Mine don't look like the real ones, but I hope the birthday girl recognized them.

snow white doll cake

Another version of snow white.

 back of the cake

detail of the little birdie

snow white flat cake

 Flat snow white cake, for a 3 year old cutie. 
She shared this with her kindergarten friends.

I had to add an apple:)

boy & girl dino cakes

Both made for the same little girl. She has a passion for dinosaurs and since the number of servings required was higher I made her not one, but two dinosaurs.
I went with a boy and a girl, so that I could do them a bit differently.

I hope she liked her dinosaurs.

Electrolux recompenseaza cel mai inspirat blogger cu o petrecere de 1000 Euro!!!

Electrolux desfasoara in perioada 8 noiembrie – 5 decembrie un concurs dedicat bloggerilor din Romania. Miza concursului este o petrecere tematica, in valoare de 1000 Euro, pe care Electrolux o va organiza pentru inspiratul castigator si prietenii acestuia.
Pentru mai multe detalii dati click aici.
Bafta tuturor, mie inclusiv:)))

This post is about a competition dedicated exclusively to Romanian bloggers, hence the use of Romanian language when writing it. To satisfy one's curiosity, Electrolux, a well known company manufacturing electrodomestics, is sponsoring a 1000 euro party for one lucky blogger who proposes the most original party.
I am going to participate so check back soon if you want to see my ideas.

Lightning Mcqueen cake

 I have done quite  a lot of these cars, but I think this one came out a bit better, closer to the real thing. So I decided to post it once more:)
You need to know I do this cake by looking at pictures. I do not have a real toy as I am the proud mummy of a girl. I think I should buy one of these cars some day. It will definitely help my work.